PayPal Tracking Autopilot for Shopify | Help Center Free Install

Getting started

  • When should I transmit the tracking data to Paypal?

    From the first order! It is important to build trust with Paypal and the customers from the beginning! Start with the PayPal Tracking Autopilot for Shopify from the first order without any costs! We want to make it easy for you to set up and try out the shop! The installation is free! Every mo...
  • Why is it important to input tracking numbers in PayPal?

    You probably already know the answer! Or are you affected by it? PayPal cannot assess whether you are doing serious business without this information. Without tracking data the risk for you is classified as VERY HIGH RISK. The consequences are catastrophic for you. Paypal will reserve a part o...
  • Why is the app not in the Shopify App Store?

    Shopify has updated the requirements for App Store listing. Apps that are " Payment Gateways that add functionality to an existing gateway or modify an existing gateway" will no longer be listed. As a direct result, PayPal Tracking Autopilot for Shopify joins the ranks of ClickFunnels, Carthoo...